Family: Asphodelaceae
Closely Related Plants: Aloe,
Gasteria, Knophia,
Poellnitzia and
No of Species: 6
Named for the star shaped lobes on
the flowers. Endemic to South Africa. Probably the most
closely related species to Haworthia, at various times they
have been part of Haworthia. They tend to tolerate more arid
conditions than their brethren, although the distribution
range is similar. There is one natural hybrid, which has
been variously Astroloba skinneri, Astroworthia bicarinata
and now Astroworthia skinneri, parents are believed to be
Haworthia pumila and Astroloba ..................
In cultivation they require they are
happy with the same general conditions as Haworthia, but
they have an annoying habit of leaves drying up often in the
middle of stems for no apparent reason, which means they
don't often make good plants for the show enthusiasts.
Further information:-
General Tips on Cultivation
More to follow.
Contributions on any aspect(words not money) welcome.

Astroloba corrugata